Raine v0.97.2
For the soundcard detection and handling when there is more than 1 soundcard on the system !
All this went haywire because sdl2 SDL_OpenAudioDevice never returns 1 for compatibility with sdl1... !!!
And also the fact that I never had the opportunity to test on a proper system with 2 soundcards.
So if you have only 1 soundcard and everything works fine, no need to update this time ! 感谢分享 进来支持一下 如果这个模拟器支持PGM2游戏的话,那就厉害了;P 感谢分享 古老模拟器 這模擬器印象中很久了;P 好久没关注这玩意了,貌似叫彩虹是吧,记得还是有藏经阁光盘的时候的产物了 感谢分享,辛苦了 感谢楼主分享