No more version numbering in the main caption. Only the about screen now has it
can run without admin and asks for admin if needed (you can set to run as admin in settings as well)
better error reporting (Especially if using the debugsymbol version)
symbol synchronization. Symbols are shared between CE instances and remembered when reopening CE
Speedhack v3 now replaces the old speedhack in windows. No more speedhack dll's to inject (more dll's to follow in the future)
Speedhack also works better in unity games now (no need to turn of vsync anymore)
byteTableToxxx now support an start index
autoassembler command AOBSCANEX - Scan only executable memory
c compiler: added __stdcall define
c compiler: windows: auto assembler can deal with stdcall mangled symbols names, and c compiler can deal with unmangled symbols when stdcall is used
c compiler: header files are used as table files. And tablefiles can have any name now
added Java info similar to .net/mono info
improved the .net info classlist performance (especially noticable in ceserver)
ctrl+space on selected bytes in hexview will make the disassembler go there
bunch of mono info improvements
lua: treenode.Index is now writable
redesigned the internals of structure dissect. Expect many new bugs there, please report! (I already know a few of them, but just waiting to get a report on them before fixing ;-) )
updated the tcc library to a more recent version
{$luacode} doesn't need dll injection to function anymore
auto assembler DB command has been updated to allow relative changes. e.g: DB +1 +2 will increase the bytes 'db' is done at with 1 and 2 respectively
you can't destroy luafile stream objects anymore. You now have to destroy the luafile itself
added more language support for AA scripts
added a new debugger interface: gdbserver
error out scripts that try to access GUI controls from other threads. (remove threadsafegui.lua if you don't want it. But you will have a buggy CE)
tablist can't be clicked while scanning is active
removed the close button from the comments dialog
memoryregion view columns can be sorted now
C code: ANDROID define set on android targets
lua: disassembler view now has a SelectionSize property
lua: caretX and caretY are now exposed to synedit
lua: TSynAutoComplete can be created
lua: ModuleLoader can now load streams and tablefiles
memory records can now set a value on freeze/unfreeze/restore to original on unfreeze
memory records can hide the checkbox and choose to move the description to the furthest left
you can now link a memoryview hexview with a structure window column, so it's address changes when the hexview changes
patchscan will now tell you it's not going to work when you don't select any module
improved dark mode visuals
added option to ignore the upper byte of a pointer when doing a pointerscan (ARM memory tag security feature)
groupscan now supports aobscan types as well
aobscan in hexadecimal mode now supports the following operators: >XX : value has to be higher than XX,
disassembler ARM64: Added some colors
.net info: improved the class search
.net info: static methods don't need an address anymore
.net info: static methods now have a different color
.net info: added a config window where colors can be changed
.net info: invoking a method allows you to create objects using the dialog
encodeFunction results generated in another architecture can now can used by decodeFunction
structure dissect now follows the setPointerSize() directive better
added lua include files
cpuid recording in dbvm
complete redesign of error handling in the mono data collector
the monodatacollector is now multithread aware
added a bunch of lua commands to make it easier to create manual process and modulelists
added dmahelper.lua, which is an example script to show how to use direct memory access to get a processlist, and modulelist, and how to hook that info up to CE
some lua callback now have a first parameter so they run even before ce's internal handler
added ceserver command EXTCMD_DLERROR to get the error when module injection fails
improved il2cpp method enum speed
the threadsafe script terminator now shows a dialog asking you if you wish to kill the script or not
lua: Added loadNewSymbols() so not all symbols need to be reloaded on dll injection
lua: Added setSpecialScanOptionsOverride so you can control which memory regions to scan (handy for emulators)
Loooots of fixes in ceserver from symbollookup to debugging, pipes, basic initialization going wrong, etc...
fixed symbol to address lookup picking an old version of a same named symbol instead of later (was an issue with symbollists, like ccode)
fixed an error with .net/mono info giving an error when looking at a string
fixed disassembling of some vector instructions
fixed VEX instructions not working in 32-bit targets
fixed the translation files not being up to date in the installer
dissectcode high dpi fix
fixed structure dissect without using a structure dissect window
yet even more disassembler issues related to x86 vex and aarch64
fixed issue when ticking and unticking a checkbox in the pointerscan config
fixed some font colors and types so they adjust based on default windows config
fixed luacode when the target is 32-bit
fixed the memview disassembler bugging out when the window height is too small
dbvm: fixed an issue that would crash DBVM
Lua: Debugging scripts now doesn't delete existing debug routines
Lua: Fixed StructureFrm.getSelectedStructElement()
assembler x86_64: fix assembling ymm,m256 parameters
assembler x86_64: fixed pextrd
ultimap1: fixed the ret filter
debug information is no longer available when no process has been opened yet
c/ccode: windows.h and some other default header files can now be included without errors
c/ccode: fixed issue with chkstk symbol
mono: Fixed dealing with value_type parameters and method invoking
fixed issue where dbvm trace would error out on the results
fixed assembling pextrd
some fixes regarding roundbraces and calculations
android: fixed issue when il2cpp is inside an apk
bunch of other android related fixes (java and mono)
fixed network modulelist to be more accurate
fixed pointerscan for value scan
manual map dll's now also loads the exception handling structure
主标题中不再有版本号。现在只有 “关于 ”屏幕上有
更好的错误报告(尤其是在使用 debugsymbol 版本时)
符号同步。符号在 CE 实例之间共享,并在重新打开 CE 时被记住。
Speedhack v3 现在取代了 Windows 中的旧版 speedhack。不再需要注入 speedhack dll(未来将注入更多 dll)
Speedhack 现在在 unity 游戏中也能更好地运行(不再需要关闭 vsync)
byteTableToxxx 现在支持起始索引
自动汇编器命令 AOBSCANEX - 仅扫描可执行内存
c 编译器:添加了 __stdcall 定义
c 编译器:windows:自动汇编器可处理 stdcall 更改的符号名,当使用 stdcall 时,c 编译器可处理未更改的符号
c 编译器:头文件被用作表文件。表文件现在可以有任何名称
添加了与 .net/mono 信息类似的 Java 信息
改进了 .net info classlist 的性能(在 ceserver 中尤为明显)
在十六进制视图中选定的字节上按住 ctrl+space 键将使反汇编器转到该处
lua:treenode.Index 现在可写了
重新设计了结构剖析的内部结构。预计会有很多新 bug,请报告!(我已经知道了其中几个,只是在修复之前等待报告;-) )
将 tcc 库更新到最新版本
{$luacode} 不再需要注入 dll 才能运行了
更新了自动汇编 DB 命令,允许相对更改: DB +1 +2 将分别以 1 和 2 增加 “db ”的字节数
不能再销毁 luafile 流对象。现在必须销毁 luafile 本身
为 AA 脚本添加了更多语言支持
错误处理试图从其他线程访问图形用户界面控件的脚本。(如果不需要,可移除 threadsafegui.lua,但这会导致 CE 出现错误)
C 代码: 在安卓目标上设置 ANDROID 定义
lua: caretX 和 caretY 现在可以显示给 synedit
lua: 可以创建 TSynAutoComplete
lua: 模块加载器现在可以加载流和表格文件
如果不选择任何模块,patchscan 现在会告诉你它无法工作
添加了指针扫描时忽略指针上字节的选项(ARM 内存标签安全功能)
分组扫描现在也支持 aobscan 类型
十六进制模式下的 aobscan 现在支持以下运算符: >XX :值必须大于 XX、
反汇编器 ARM64: 添加了一些颜色
.net info:改进了类搜索
.net info:静态方法不再需要地址
.net info:静态方法现在有了不同的颜色
.net info: 添加了一个配置窗口,可以更改颜色
.net info:调用方法允许使用对话框创建对象
encodeFunction 在另一架构中生成的结果现在可由 decodeFunction 使用
结构剖析现在可以更好地遵循 setPointerSize() 指令
添加了 lua 包含文件
在 dbvm 中记录 cpuid
添加了大量 lua 命令,以方便创建手动进程和模块列表
添加了 dmahelper.lua,这是一个示例脚本,用于演示如何使用直接内存访问获取进程列表和模块列表,以及如何将这些信息连接到 CE
某些 lua 回调现在有了第一个参数,因此它们甚至可以在 CE 的内部处理程序之前运行
添加了 ceserver 命令 EXTCMD_DLERROR,以便在模块注入失败时获取错误信息
提高了 il2cpp 方法枚举的速度
lua: 已添加 loadNewSymbols(),因此在注入 dll 时无需重新加载所有符号
lua: 已添加 setSpecialScanOptionsOverride,因此可以控制扫描哪些内存区域(方便模拟器使用)
修复了大量 ceserver 中的问题,从符号查找到调试、管道、基本初始化出错等。
修正了符号到地址的查找会选择同名符号的旧版本而不是后来的版本(这是符号列表的一个问题,如 ccode)
修正了 .net/mono 信息在查看字符串时出错的问题
修复了 VEX 指令在 32 位目标中不起作用的问题
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